Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This Is True

Some things are not for sale
like the moon in the sky
and the shadows of the trees
the laughter of a child
and a grandmother's hand.

Some things are not for sale
and never will be
for we hold them in our hearts
and they ride like the wind
free for all who breathe.

Some things are not for sale
like the spark in a lover's eyes
and the truth of a well lived life
the beauty of the smoky hills at sunset
and the sound of the lark.

Some things are not for sale
they belong to us all
without price to pay or barter
they are the gifts of the Giver
and they make us shine.

Joanne Cucinello 2010


  1. Beautiful, Joanne! Too often we forget that indeed "the best things in life are free."

  2. Thank you,nothingprofound!
    I've found it to be true . . . all of my life, as I'm sure you have.

    Best Wishes,


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