My life will always be an unfinished story ~ a song with no
I’m a sprinter in the race, tiring before the finish line
always giving birth to something new . . . and fickle as the
I’m like the Bag Lady, pushing her cart down the street
only mine is full of paper scraps ~ poems and fairytales,
memoirs and writings I’ve promised to publish . . . someday.
I’ve always found a way to excuse myself from writing a
It takes too long ~ my life has too many distractions ~ I
don’t live alone!
I’ve probably started at least fifteen novels, some of which
turned into short
stories, most of which became my . . . poems.
But then, here’s the non-fiction part of my life, and there’s
no Bag Lady to be found.
It’s Motherhood, and I couldn’t find a pushcart big enough
to hold five kids!
Giving birth was the easy part. Labor, with all its pain and fear of death
was a piece of cake compared to raising these “bright ideas”
and realizing what’s true.
You can’t sprint through life when it comes to mothering a
child . . . since you’ve
already signed on for a Marathon!
Joanne Cucinello © 2016