Tuesday, August 4, 2009


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"Live!" . . . said the Moon on her perch
in the black sea of heaven.
"Fully ". . . she whispered
to the children of the earth
who were making love and waging war
eating and starving, dying and being born.

Live!! . . . she shouted, as they stumbled
and fell, trying over and over to walk
in their shoes of immortality.
Live!! . . . she cried, as they pulled their hair
in disbelief that they could in fact . . . live forever.
"Nothing lives forever" . . . they sobbed
"all things surely must die!"

"All things but You" . . . she whispered now
alone in her heaven, without the Sun,
who rises when she falls, who shines when she is dark.
"All things but You!" . . . echoed the Stars,
and they wept for the Moon in her loneliness.
"You are not like us, set adrift to light the heavens
exalted in your poetry, fading into darkness at the end.

Listen and truly live . . . Mankind
before the Sun and Moon have run their course.
Learn that it is YOU who are immortal,
You, the beings who can dream and yearn and love
and You who will shine long after our light is gone.
There is more to Man than flesh and bone.
You are the children of God, and though you inhabit
the Earth, you are Spirit.
Listen! . . . it is You . . . who will live forever."

Joanne Cucinello


  1. If only...If all would only listen, then anything would be possible..
    Your work is wonderful, informative, and who reads it should try and heed the message..
    The winds of change demand we live and listen...
    Thank you for your splendid poetry..

  2. You are so kind, Margaret, and I value your sincerity and feedback.
    I know you feel the winds, as I do.

  3. Flowers I carry with awe
    Admiration is but inevitable

    The flow of thy lines
    So perfect never close to mine

    Let thy poems be read
    And let me be the one avid

  4. S.P.K.
    Your poetic comments honor me!
    Thank you so much . . .


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